Asbestos is a potentially harmful substance. The risk of exposure to asbestos is highest when you don’t know where it is, or where it isn’t. It’s important to get asbestos inspection Melbourne the presence of asbestos before any refurbishment activity so that it can be removed safely and effectively. The presence of asbestos can be difficult to identify. It’s a mineral that looks like many other minerals, and it is often mixed with other materials such as cement or plaster. There are several ways to identify the presence of asbestos in a building, but they don’t always give an accurate result. For a quote on your asbestos inspection Melbourne visit our website.

The Risk of Asbestos

Asbestos is a carcinogen that can cause mesothelioma and lung cancer. It can be found in many building materials, including insulation, ceiling tiles and flooring materials.

Asbestos-related diseases take years to develop after exposure to asbestos fibres. The risk of developing an asbestos-related disease depends on:

  • how much time you were exposed to the fibres (the more time you spent around them, the higher your risk).
  • whether you've been exposed to other substances that increase your risk of developing an asbestos-related disease (such as cigarette smoke).

Asbestos Inspection Prior to Refurbishment

Asbestos inspection Melbourne prior to refurbishment is important because it allows you to identify any asbestos-containing materials in your home and ensure they're safely removed. Asbestos can be found anywhere in a building, whether it's the flooring or walls, and without proper precautions taken when removing these materials, you could be exposed to harmful airborne asbestos fibres.

The most common way homeowners find out if their property contains asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) is by performing an inspection prior to refurbishment work being done on their home such as removing carpeting or drywall containing ACMs inside them respectively

Asbestos Inspection Melbourne

Securing Your Investment

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was used in construction materials for decades. It's been linked to several diseases, including lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. If you're selling a home that contains asbestos-containing materials, it's important to disclose this information to your buyers. Failure to do so could result in litigation. When selling your home, you can avoid the risk of legal action by hiring an asbestos abatement professional.

It’s The Only Way to Identify Asbestos

Asbestos is a fibrous material that was once used in construction materials, such as insulation and cement. It can be found in your home if the structure was built before 1980 and you have no idea how much risk you're facing. If asbestos-containing materials aren't properly removed or encapsulated during refurbishment, they can release tiny particles into the air, which can then settle on surfaces and cause serious health problems for yourself or others living in your home.

Asbestos inspection Melbourne is the only way to identify where this dangerous substance exists within your property so that it can be removed safely before any work begins on site - otherwise there's a risk of releasing harmful fibres into the atmosphere!


We hope that you have learned why asbestos inspection is important before refurbishment. As a final note, we want to remind you that there are many ways in which asbestos can be found in homes and buildings. It is important for anyone who owns or works with buildings to know what these materials look like so they can avoid them if at all possible!